Ready to transform your health with plants?

Nutrition and lifestyle strategies to optimize your gut health, so you can finally take control of your health 


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If you've arrived to my page thinking "But I've tried it all", or "it's too overwhelming"




I want you to know right off the bat, that I do things a little differently around here. You will never see me pushing the latest 'detox', or trying to sell you on expensive, (and inaccurate) testing.  My programs are always founded in science and evidence-based - which means they work. 

That's exactly why I'm creating The Happy Gut Project - a 12-week online program designed to teach you how to leverage the power of a plant-foward diet to overcome gut health issues and transform your health. A beautiful hub of like-minded individuals, where holistic nutrition and lifestyle strategies come together with science to create real, lasting change. I am so happy to have you here.


Hey there!


But you can call me V

I believe that we are each capable and deserving of feeling incredible in our bodies.

I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and gut health expert, and let me tell you, I am no stranger to gut health issues myself! It was after receiving a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis that I began my journey to learning what I know today.

I heard one gastroenterologist after another give me the same lackluster answer that always sounded something along the lines of "diet doesn't really matter".

But I knew that wasn't true. 

So I made it my mission to understand exactly how what we eat and how we live effects our gut. I studied to become a nutritionist, and then I continued to dive into the research and study more.  And man oh man - I am SO grateful that I did.

Not only do I now have the knowledge and tools to manage my own illness,  but I now have the joy of sharing this life-changing information with others, so that they too, can go from surviving to thriving. Now it's your turn.


"I spent the better part of the last 20 years struggling with chronic constipation and uncomfortable symptoms. After working with Veronica and implementing her recommendations, I am FINALLY regular, symptom-free, plus I lost weight and I literally feel better than I ever have! Veronica, thank you from the bottom of my heart! "

-Valerie M.

"I initially came to Veronica with what felt like every food sensitivity after a long history of elimination diets, and antibiotics. I felt bloated all the time, and I was just so tired of feeling awful. It took a little while, but with a little patience, and the support and guidance from Veronica - I am now able to have the food freedom I once dreamed of without living in fear and pain!

-Hannah S.
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Supporting you with holistic programs always rooted in science

1:1 Support

Customised programs tailored to your specific health needs coupled with the accountability, support, and guidance that delivers results. We'll walk through the exact nutrition and lifestyle strategies to repair your microbiome and diversify your diet, so you can break free from the 


Happy Gut Project

A comprehensive 3 month online program to teach you how to leverage the power of a plant-forward diet to overcome gut health issues and transform your health. Plus 1:1 coaching, and a supportive group chat. Hop on the waitlist to snag an exclusive early bird discount!

Coming June 2024!


Free Resources

Free resources to optimise your gut health